Project Description

Strategic, high profile, creative PR and social media campaigns have been instrumental in the rebirth of this treasured community event.

From the brink of folding in 2011 to the success story of the 2014 May Day extravaganza, Approach has invested free of charge time, expertise and resources from media relations and social media to an advisory role on the carnival committee.

2014 saw Approach’s most persuasive and high-profile campaign in the history of its CSR involvement. The carnival raised a record £15k profit which changed lives in the local community.

Key results

  • Secured two national press slots in The Metro including a half page picture story
  • Generated 82 pieces of press coverage
  • Reached 9,774, 501 audience with 50% of coverage outside Ilkley
  • 300 new followers since the account became active for Ilkley Carnival 2014 (41% increase)
  • 1,111 retweets of @IlkleyCarnival tweets
  • Sun journalist tweeted: “…really good family fun”


“It was without question the best Ilkley Carnival I’ve been to and I’m delighted to learn so much has been raised”

Kris Hopkins, Former minister for Housing and MP for Keighley and Ilkley, Ilkley Carnival