This week, using #greenoffice14 we took the colour of Approach PR’s logo to heart and joined in with Avery’s Green Office Week, in a bid to make our working environment more eco-friendly.
It may seem like a big chore to make changes in the workplace, but small steps can be taken to make improvements. At Approach we’re proud to say we try our best where we can; we print on recycled paper, use recycled toner cartridges, ensure we have mugs and bottles for our drinks and always turn off unused computers and lights, however, we still had fun taking part in Avery’s planned challenges each day.
The daily themes for the week varied from saving energy to recycling and reusing, follow us on Twitter or take a look at our daily photo updates on Pinterest to see how we did.
Wednesday’s theme was a focus on the 3Rs – reusing, recycling and reducing so we took to the streets of Ilkley to hand out our much-loved bags for life (printed by our friends at Pinnacle!) to encourage shoppers to use durable bags and help promote the benefits of the green week we were embracing.
Today’s theme is networking and sharing the word about being green so while we’re sharing this blog post with you, we’d love to know how you ‘go green’ – maybe you’ve picked up one of our bags for life or you have a great recycling tip you’d like to share, tweet us at @Approach_PR and we’ll retweet the best!