As the movers and shakers of the business world brace themselves for the second annual Thrive Yorkshire Conference, we have been preparing our own words of wisdom for businesses looking to grow and expand.
Last year was an amazing success and this year is set to be even bigger with exhibitors attending from businesses such as Airedale Enterprise Services, Ilkley Business Forum, the Department for Culture, Media and Sport and UK Trade and Investment.
This year’s theme is ‘business growth’ so the Approach team will be focussing on the importance of training to grow and develop a business and its team.
Our training department – Approachability – has been up and running for over eight years, offering courses where we pass on our forty plus years of PR expertise to other businesses that are keen to raise their profile and develop staff skills, improving in-house PR activity and social media output.
What’s more, in exciting news from Approach towers, we have just been named as a registered provider of the Leeds Enterprise Partnership (LEP) Skill Service. So, businesses taking Approachability training packages can apply for part-funding, to the tune of 50% through the LEP.
So if you want to learn how to write your own press release, develop relationships with the media, or how to make social media work for your business, why not join us at Thrive Yorkshire at The Craiglands in Ilkley on Thursday 24 September and we can talk you through how to apply for funding and what bespoke training packages we can offer.
The Approach team will be there with refreshments and sustenance in the form of bottled water and homemade sweet treats.
We’ll also be running a prize draw so be sure to bring plenty of business cards and drop one in our box for your chance to win one of five pairs of tickets to the Country Living Christmas Fair at the Harrogate International Centre in December, the perfect place to do all your Christmas shopping under one roof.
See you all there!