We’re big believers of practicing what you preach. We’re also big believers of embracing social media platforms, where appropriate, so we thought it was high time we got our visual bookmarks out and joined Pinterest.
Pinterest is ideal for businesses with visual elements, whether this is in the form of products, people or photography. Put us together with our clients and we have a perfect combination of all of the above.
As well adding ‘pins’ (images or articles which act as a link back to the original website), Pinterest allows users to pin (bookmark) content from other accounts, making it a great sharing service, as well as a traffic driver to a website.
Although we’ve had to have a stern word with ourselves to refrain from re-pinning every gloriously gluttonous recipe and step-by-step nail art tutorial, we hope you’ll join us for pins including a look at Approach ‘behind the scenes’, things we love about Yorkshire and industry news and insights.
We’ve even thrown in a Pinterest board each for all of the team here at Approach – how else would you find out Suzanne’s love for Gary Barlow or Katy’s keen eye for typography?
While the rest of the team try and hide old (and potentially embarrassing) photos of years gone by, Verity has found a home for them on her little corner of Pinterest – but for recent shots and top tips for interning, Rebekha’s is the go-to board. You can even find out what makes Anisha’s brain tick (a combination of tea, reads and Instagram feeds) and just how social media and a passion for Bradford City brought Liam to Approach PR.
Joining Pinterest as a business can be a daunting task – finding the time, the content and the power to step away are just three of the obstacles we came across. Our advice, as always, is to go in with a plan, stick to it – and have fun!
You can follow our Pinning journey here, we look forward to seeing you!