As the saying goes, “the kids are the future” and at Approach, we firmly believe in this. From teaching work experience students about the world of PR or creating educational client campaigns that involve and inspire children, we love to work with the next generation!
Over the past year, we’ve created campaigns with education appeal and have had so much fun with them. This month we held the final of Kirkgate Shopping’s Young War Poet competition. In its second year, the competition went from strength to strength with more than 100 entrants and excellent attendance at the final where the winners performed their poems and received their fabulous prizes.
We teamed up with Reading Matters, a national literacy charity to deliver this competition and received entries from children of all ages across the Yorkshire district. Encouraging children to write poetry is something we loved doing and we were so impressed with the creativity and writing style of the entrants, especially the younger ones. Renowned poet, spoken word artist and author Anthony Anaxagorou judged the competition and it was featured in national poetry titles which increased the reach of the campaign.
Another client campaign we carried out in 2017 was for Bradford-based chemical manufacturer Airedale Chemical. We helped partner them up with a local school to celebrate 25 years at their current location in Cross Hills, Keighley. As part of this initiative, the schoolchildren got to visit the Airedale Chemical site and get hands-on science experience.
Children are increasingly encouraged to consider careers in a STEM industry and we hope pairing children up with real-life scientists inspires their future choices. Positive feedback from both pupils and Airedale Chemical was given and we hope to continue this relationship in 2018.
Educational campaigns provide feel-good news stories and it’s always good to know you’ve changed a child’s life, even in the smallest way.
Do you have an idea of how your business can connect with schools or a charity? Contact us to see how we can help.