First off, time. Just as running a business is a full-time job, so is social media. While the beauty of it, is its instantaneous nature, it can be difficult to keep up with and never more so than when trending topics are changing every hour and every day. Ultimately, social media shouldn’t be an afterthought and thus, handing the job over to an agency that can dedicate time to nailing your social media strategy and engaging with your audience in real time is vital.
If, as is the hope, your social media platforms grow, you will also have to set aside time to monitor your platforms for complaints. Unfortunately, this is almost inevitable but the way in which you respond can make or break your business. Just take a look at this terrible judgement call by MTV Australia. Fortunately, if you put your social media in the hands of an expert, these kinds of mistakes are manageable.
Next up, distance. Often the best way to look at a business is to simply take a step back. For example, when you’re invested in a business, it can be easy to get bogged down in the nitty gritty. Outsourcing your social media ensures that it is approached by someone with an eye for engaging, shareable content rather than a salesman’s perspective.
Knowledge. There are dozens of social media platforms nowadays and each has its own idiosyncrasies. Outsourcing your social media puts that responsibility in the hands of someone who knows the quirks of each platform inside and out while you can continue running your business.
Above all else, strategy. Posting on Twitter as and when you feel like it is all well and good but the lack of consistency is not ideal for growing an audience. Outsourcing your social media is a great way to transform your social media from an afterthought into a vital part of your business since it passes the responsibility to someone equipped with the software and time to schedule, monitor and respond to posts.
Finally, passion. I’m Georgia, Junior Account Exec here at Approach and I unashamedly love social media, I spend my entire day on it and while some people focus on the problems that it occasionally causes, I prefer to focus on the incredible new industry and opportunities it has born.
So, in short, outsource your social media to someone for who emoji’s are their second language and Twitter their diary because, trust us, you’ll reap the rewards.
Image sourced from Pixabay.