Along with the rest of the country, we have been monitoring the news of Covid-19 for some weeks. Along the way, we have introduced additional hygiene measures in the office – new hand washing stations, hand sanitiser, paper towels, hygiene reminders, visitor policies and desk wipes – but as government measures escalate, we have increased our precautions too. While I remain in the office, our team will be working from home until we are notified otherwise and we have rescheduled or cancelled all meetings – moving to a call or video conference where possible.

Approach is set up to fully service our clients from their remote workstations ensuring it’s business as usual for our team. We appreciate this is not everyone’s experience in these challenging times and recognise the impact on sectors from manufacturing to recruitment as the world as we know it, changes by the hour. The importance of credible, good quality news has never been more evident. Professional journalism keeps us up to date with public health measures and galvanises our communities with news of increased care, consideration and inspiring acts of kindness. We’ve loved seeing some of the positive actions taken by brands over the last couple of days – including National Trust opening their parks and ground for people to enjoy fresh air while social distancing, and lots of Ilkley businesses offering take away and delivery services to vulnerable people in our community.

We know that a lot of businesses will worry about how to communicate during this time and may need additional support on crisis comms or may take the opportunity to shout about their own community support in a bid to lift public spirits. Our team can lend a hand where needed, so please get in touch on if you need any advice or guidance or need a sounding board from our experts.

For now, we’re continuing to work hard to communicate on behalf of our clients’, to support around Covid-19 responses and supporting the spread of credible and professional news in the coming weeks.

Wishing you all good health,

Suzanne Watson